For a long time, Julian calendar was believed to be utterly precise and errorless, however a quarter-day addition per each year (i.e. 1 day more in every 4 yrs.) was still just an approximation, and so by the 16th century deviation from natural cycle reached 10 days, which couldn’t be ignored.
It was Pope Gregory XIII who couldn’t stand such an inaccuracy, and strived for a calendar replacement. Julian calendar was officially superseded in 1582, when scientists of that epoch accomplished mathematical research to derive precise tropical year duration (time distance from one equinox to the other). The calendar system changed only slightly. After 10/4/1582 the next day was 10/15/1582 (to compensate deviation arisen on that moment), and from then on a leap year occurred not strictly each fourth year, but excluding those years divisible by 100 or 400 without mod. Still not the absolute precision, but the error of Gregorian calendar is about 24 hrs. in 3.3 thousand years. The year duration in Gregorian calendar is 365.2422, while Julian was strictly 365.25 days long.
Modern calendar sets a year starting point on January, as it is the month characterized by the fact that daylight starts becoming longer (in the Northern Earth Hemisphere, which is most populated and has the majority of land territory) successive to Winter Solstice at the final weeks of December. Moreover, January selection may have something to do with the Saturn and the Capricorn sign. Where does the number of 7 days per week come from? It is probably due to archaic farmers doing plantation according to seven day periods (the Moon’s stages).
As Gregorian calendar became widely used in almost all parts of Europe since 1590, it wasn’t adopted by all countries until far later time. First American colonies on east adopted Gregorian calendar in the middle of 18th century, before year 1776 (when modern America was officially established). Russia, Sweden, Greece and some other countries remained with Julian calendar until the dawn of the 20th century. In 1873 Japan officially adopted Gregorian calendar, Korea followed this example in 1896, while China avoided it until 1912. It is understandable that date-driven numerology ever depends on canonical numerology counting methods, arranged with time measurement systems aligned to cyclical cosmic events (e.g. the Solar System cycles).
The unconceivable forces from unseen dimensions are responsible for synchronizing person’s birthdate (in notation of the precise calendar system) with one’s individuality and life course as suggested by Numerology concepts. The patterns of fate and destiny can be found by correctly determining such synchronization.
To sum up all we’ve discussed, we see that progressive time-measurement development was exceptionally thoughtful and reasonable. Calendar can be perceived as merely mathematical concept, but in fact it is connected to processes occurring in the universe. And here is where calendar-driven numerology can explain interconnections of any person to the cosmic time pulsation. In this website even software available, like our proprietary Time Cycle Decoder and Numerology Decoder, devoted to this matter.